Ok, I am back and blogging again. Long hiatus, I know. September in Italy always starts out running and life goes full steam till June.
To catch you all up on what is going on in my life:
September started with Sarah's audition for the Conservatory. Followed up with the start of operations of the American Women's Club of Genoa, which I am president of. I know, I am nuts. Then the first day of school which was Anna's first day of MIDDLE SCHOOL, goodness she is growing up. Sam and I were running around buying textbooks and school supplies, yes you BUY textbooks for your children in Italy. That is a whole other post for another day. Those of you that know boating know that September also means the start of Boat Show Season! There was Cannes followed up by Monaco, which meant I was juggling kids, travel and work all at the same time. I just got back from Monaco to work the last Saturday at the Luna Blu Beach Bar.... Mark and Cristina were in a bind for a waitress. I bet those nice customers are still talking about their "American Waitress" who can't speak Italian. Next day, Sunday.... I was off on my cruise/ FAWCO conference on the Costa Fortuna.
Click here and you can see the photos of me and my FAWCO buddies working hard at our "conference"!
I disembarked the ship on Sunday October 1st and went straight to Gavi (Piemonte) to go to a good friend's wedding. I also took home a friend from the cruise... No, not a handsome man, but, Dianne Reed who was kind enough to share a cabin and the cruise with me. She is worthy of a post too. I will save that. We spent Monday sightseeing. The speed tour of Chiavari and Portofino and then mad dash to the airport. Wednesday, dear old Dad arrived and the Genoa Boat show started on Saturday.
Are you tired yet? Dad is. He is still here eating good food, drinking fine wine, and sleeping in the sun on my sofa. Ahhh la dolce vita. Grandpa is here till next Tuesday when he leaves back to New York. Not bad for a 81 year old man.
As for going on a cruise anytime soon.... Maybe, but not with 2,750 of my closest friends. That is how many the Costa Fortuna can hold! Porca Miseria!
A presto!