Today is Friday the 13th.... And I turned... cough, cough, 43 years young!
I started the day with a very early 5:30 am wake up and breakfast with Sarah. The house was freezing this February morning and the only way to warm it up was to turn on the stove, if I had to do that, why not make something yummy too? So, I baked Sarah her favorite cornmeal scones served with butter and jam and a hot cup of chocolate. Whose birthday was it, oh yeah, mine.
As Sarah walked out the door at 6:40 Anna slipped out of bed and into the kitchen. Think she wanted the scones? Nope, she wanted bacon and eggs. So, I made bacon and eggs. As I get older maybe I am becoming more like my dad - you should see how these kids have him running in the summer! Every summer when we descend on his home and take over his life he becomes a One Armed Chef - minus the baby on the hip - making waffles for Anna and corn muffins for Sarah.
After Anna trotted off to school I caught up on all my facebook birthday greetings. Franca arrived at 9 with flowers in hand. She is too sweet. After that I headed out to stroll through the mercato and to meet Anneliese (pictured above) for a coffee. Finally these last few days the sun came out and today, the skies were crystal CLEAR! So clear that you could see all the way to the French Maritime Alps - and they were blanketed with snow! What do you a do on such a beautiful day on the Italian Riviera? Well you go for a passagiata and have an aperitivo! See the happy smile on my face - I just downed a lovely glass of white wine while enjoying the view with a good friend.
This afternoon I headed to Genoa for my normal pick up Sarah from school, bring her violin and take her to the conservatory. Before she headed off to her lessons, Sarah and I stopped by my dear friend Carol's and had a lovely lunch - she even made me a scrumptious chocolate cake in honor of my birthday! The last time anyone has made me a birthday cake... well that had to be my mom and I had to still be living at home. The cake was divine and my day perfect. Well, other than I took the train into to Genoa thinking Sam was going to pick me up which of course he didn't! Sarah and I barely made the 5 0'clock Intercity back to Chiavari and I had the distinct pleasure of sitting next to a dog who was mighty interested in the chocolate cake sitting in my lap!
Anyway... I am sitting here blogging while sipping a bit of bubbly while Sam does the same as he catches up on his emails. Sarah is out running an errand for me - purchasing some flowers for another good friend who shares my birthday - and waiting for Anna to come home. Then we are all off for a birthday dinner!
By the way, this Friday the 13th is the first of the year, but not the last. For all of you fearful of Friday the 13th - brace yourself - this year is going to be a doosey!
If bad economic news hasn’t already shredded your nerves, how about this:
Today is Friday the 13th. And we’ve got another one next month, the first time we’ve been hit back to back since 1998. And the 2009 calendar is darkened by yet another one in November