Sunday, February 04, 2007

Happy Birthday To My Sam....

And did we throw a party to celebrate! In the true spirit of Carnival. We had a 60's theme revival birthday party last night. I invited all our friends to join us in their best interpretation of the era.

We had, 7 hippies, 4 mods (including Sam and I), one goth (Silvia Lewis) and one lone Italian communist/anarchist agitator.... don't worry, I did let Silvio in the door, though not after I saluted Marx, Lenin, and Che!

We drank Spumante, Martinis and ate way too much junk and cake. As the the evening gave way to the wee hours of the morning we found ourselves singing "Delilah" on the top of our lungs with Ian and Sam leading us on with their kickline salute! God only knows what our neighbors thought we did notice when we stepped out on the terrace to catch a breath of fresh air that passers by on the street looking up and pointing! We danced our grooviest and Jan ended the evening serenading us and leading the chorus with Anna's guitar. A perfect end to a perfect evening in honor of my grand old man!

Happy Birthday Darling. Remember, 40 isn't so bad.... You will always be my Rock Star no matter how old you are.



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