Well I have been a bit remiss in my blogging once again.... Let me catch you up.
Besides that is have been positively Spring like in Liguria - today it was 20+ Celsius or for those of you who use Fahrenheit, 68 degrees! Now, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon the fog is beginning to roll in off the sea and covering up Chiavari! As I look out my window I can see the fog covering the magnolias and the sea is no longer visible. Trust me, this is not usual weather for us. All the fruit trees have blossomed and many have already dropped their blooms and are ready to bear fruit. The flowers are blooming and so are our allergies! Man it feels like spring. Let's just hope that we don't have a freeze in the next few weeks. A cold snap will certainly spell disaster for this years crops!
So other than this wonderful weather we have been enjoying what has kept me so busy? The AIWC of Genoa has. Last week I was in Lyon helping to represent my club at the annual FAWCO (Federation of American Women's Clubs Overseas) - you can click on the link on the side bar to read more about the organization. I had 5 fun filled days in Lyon and I never got to to see the city. I was stuck in General Meetings, Panels, workshops etc and ate lousy banquet food. At one point as I looked around at my fellow conference attendees I got the feeling I was at some Shriner's or Rotary Convention. That may have been the case but last week, I learned many new useful things - like how to stay on heels for 16 hours in one day - and made some new friends. Overall, I had a great time an hopefully I will see all my new FAWCO friends at next year's conference in Seoul, Korea.
By the way, that photo of me was taken at the Hotel de Ville in Lyon- City Hall - to you and me. The conference closed its last evening with a special treat. A Gala Dinner at the most prestigious building in the city. That is Carol and I standing next to the flags. Carol who is 79 years young and I drove all the way to Lyon in my mini complete with the Union Jack on the roof! I think she had the ride of her life!
A presto!
Mini???I thought you moved onto "bigger" wheels? Wheres the Toureg?
Also Krista if you go to Korea bring a few protein bars. My dad lost half his body weight when he was there :)
See ya in 2 weeks or so!
Come on Krista get blogging again!!!
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