A quick Happy Easter to one and all!
Dinner has been cooked and eaten, the dishes are washed and put away - thank you Sam and Richard - and now I am enjoying a restful moment blogging.
We are having a wonderful time catching up with our old friends Susan and Richard as well as their lovely children! We all met many years ago when I was working at Banana Republic at the city dock in Annapolis, Maryland all the way back in 1991! Susan came strolling in one day around Christmas time looking for a job after after a few years at sea on the Pride of Baltimore with her then boyfriend and now husband Richard - and I said - hire that girl! We have been friends ever since.
We got married within weeks of each other and then somehow managed to get pregnant and have our babies almost at the same time! I have been begging Susan to get her family over here to visit and now finally she has. You know, she is the one friend I have that has no excuse not to visit - She works for UNITED AIRLINES! She flies for next to nothing!
We had a lovely dinner at Pam Pam last night, church this morning and a full feast of loin of pork for our Easter Lunch.
Think it is time to head out for our "post dinner passagiata" along the seaside.
Here is hoping the Easter Bunny has been good to all of you!
One last thing. Spoke to dear old Dad a few minutes ago and - He bought a new CAR! That is right. My 82 year old dad is buying a new car! A flash Mazda 6, black with black leather interior! How is that for optimism? Tomorrow is his birthday and I think he just rocks! Safe driving dad and do get those vanity plates.... lsthura - Last Hurrah! Enjoy life while you can.
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