Thursday, August 09, 2007

Sarah the TV Star!

I have to break the long spell of non blogging... And what better way than posting my beautiful daughter on TV!

Sarah, Anna and myself have been in NY since June and the kids have been attending Usdan Center for the Creative and Performing Arts located not far from dear old Dad's click here. Sarah has been playing her violin in the Orchestra for her age group and Anna banging on the drums in the orchestra in her age group!

This is the second year Sarah has attended Usdan and Anna's first time. Tomorrow is the last day and both girls are already begging to sign up for next year!

Monday - we are going to the MTV studios in NYC to see TRL taped - guest - Alicia Keyes! How cool is that?



Susan65 said...

I knew the minute I saw her, right after she was born, that she was destined for stardom. Way to go Sarah!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

thanks for getting rid of that guy