For instance,
A swing on a tree.
A 4 wheel quad in front of a home with no drive way and no road! See the metal bar that is going up the terrace? Guess what, it is not a hand rail. It is the track for the "elevator" that carries the owner from his quad to his home. Think of an amusement park kiddy roller coaster. I tried to get a shot of the contraption, but the owner had it all the way at the top.

Why a roller coaster besides the obvious thrill each trip up and down? Can you see that house behind the olive trees on top the hill? That is why. The terraces are one on top of the other and STEEP, how else does one get all the groceries and stuff up there?

Why does anyone live there? (BTW, the man that does is 75 years old!) I would suppose the silence and beauty of it all.

Every once in while you do find something truly baffling....

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