Today is a holiday in Italy, Festa della Republica, or the birth of the Italian Republic. Meaning... another long weekend, crowds everywhere and colossal traffic jams. There will be a big parade in Rome and lots of military displays. Think 4th of July in America minus the family around the BBQ and you get the picture.
Yesterday Sam, Anna and I ventured to Santa Margherita planning to hike to Portofino and yes, we were a bit daft. After fighting the traffic and not finding a spot for the mini, we turned around defeated. Got back to Chiavari and started to hike in the hills behind us only to be rained on. We ended up at home where upon we ate our picnic lunch at the kitchen table. After, Anna went out cruising Chiavari with her friend and Sam and I watched a movie. A day of bad planning and a wasted morning left us with a lazy Sunday afternoon. What were we thinking? We can hike to Portofino just about any time we want, why did we chose to do go during a holiday weekend?
So, it is more of the same sloth today. Weather is lousy and there is really nothing to do. Sam is once again banging on the drums, Anna is watching a movie and I am writing. Sam spent the morning trying to get our old camcorder to play on the TV. No luck. But it was sweet to sort of see Sarah babbling away as a toddler and me heavily pregnant with Anna. Even Anna had to admit, Sarah was a cute little girl. Since we were heady on nostalgia, I broke out the old photos to show Anna that she was also a very cute baby. Where did the time go?
Anna has a big practice this afternoon for her theater group's performance this Wednesday evening. I saw a rehearsal the other day. May I say that it is surreal to see your American daughter up on a stage with all her Italian friends reciting lines on cue. Who would have ever thought? My shy little girl who hardly spoke a word till she was 4, up on stage talking Italian. How did we get to this point? If you told me 10 years ago I would be raising my family in Italy, I would of said you were nuts.
School and the girls' activities, thank god, are winding down and the summer plans are all set. Only 25 more days and we are out of here! New York here we come. Ready Dad?
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