What better way to spend the 4th of July that in the heart of Yankee Doodle Land!
I dragged my poor Old Dad off to see his "big" sister Lillian (89 years young!) for the fireworks and an old fashioned Independence Day. We filled ourselves with lobster rolls, chowder and the girls and I even went on a harbor cruise -where Sarah and Anna experienced the fickle New England weather - one minute fog next minute sun - and well, we just had a great time shopping downtown, sightseeing and catching up with family.
Anna, Sarah and I spent our first afternoon in Portsmouth taking in the sights then my cousins Sally and Frank joined us at Lillian's for dinner and fireworks.
My Aunt Lillian house has a front row seat for the fireworks and all afternoon she and my dad had been keeping track of all the people laying out their blankets to save their favorite spot. After dinner the clouds rolled in and the skies opened with thunder lightening and heavy rain. Finally the event was called off. I think we all had more fun watching everyone get wet while running for cover.
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