Raising children is sure not easy.
Anna experienced the harsher side of life yesterday. Yes, she was robbed - of her beloved ipod touch.
So attached was Anna to her digital gizmo, she took it everywhere she went. Everywhere. Even when we told her to leave it at home, she just wouldn't, really what kid could? Yesterday she went to her theater group where, she left her coat, ipod inside a pocket, in the changing room. Upon returning home, she discovered, it was gone. The few euros she had were still inside her pockets and her phone too, but no ipod.
To say I was livid would be to put things mildly. More money down the drain spent on kids that don't value it. Story of my life.
As I am screaming at her, why did you even take it with you when you weren't even going to use it? Why do you show it to your friends? They don't have one, it only makes them jealous... don't you know kids steal!!!!! On and on...
Well, my hysterical drama fell on deaf teenage ears. Anna tore her room apart... bed apart... but, nothing. Her ipod was gone. Someone, obviously a kid from the theater group, which is made up from her classmates, wanted the ipod as badly as Anna did, and when she wasn't looking, helped themselves to it.
This morning at breakfast, after a fitful night of sleep, for the both of us, I really don't like yelling at the kids, Anna was so sad. Truly disillusioned. Lost with out her little gadget, but even worse, full of the knowledge that someone she believed was a friend, well, really wasn't. And she will never know who. That was the thought swimming in her head as she headed off to school this morning.
I know Anna didn't leave her ipod with the intention of having it stolen. She actually has taken good care of it. In her mind, I know, she felt she left her coat in a place she could trust. It was hung with the belongings of people she thinks are her friends. But, desire, greed and envy... no matter how good you are and how you know you would never steal from a friend. There is always someone lurking, coveting what you have and if given the opportunity, will take it. What a harsh lesson to learn at 13.
All that said....
If you look at the bright side... there has to be....
At least I don't need to worry about her damaging her hearing for the moment.
Ouch, that's one expensive lesson to learn the hard way. Poor thing.
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Sure was...
And thank you for stopping by the Adventure!
Poor Anna. Elizabeth went through the same thing last year. She was crying, I was livid and daddy bought her a new one.
Daddy is NOT buying a new ipod touch. He didn't even want her to have this one...
If Anna wants to give Steve Jobs more money for an ipod, she will have to find a way to fund it. Anyone need a babysitter?
Funny side note, Anna was telling her friend from her old school the story this evening... Seems her family, who keeps chickens, doesn't everybody?, had over 30 eggs stolen! Anna was like, an ipod is one thing, but to steal food, well, that was outrageous!
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