Monday, January 23, 2006

No cold snap here!

Picnic at Monterosso
Originally uploaded by Krista 1366.
While Northern and Eastern Europe are enduring some of the coldest weather in recent history, we here in Italy have been having relatively warm sunny weather! Saturday it did rain, but Sunday morning we woke to brilliant sunshine. Sam got out of bed early, put breakfast on the table, and made a few phone calls. He rounded the troops up for another hiking excursion to the Cinque Terre. This time Sam decided to walk from Vernazza to Monterosso, which is the bit of the hike we didn't get to last Sunday. Ian Lewis and his son Matteo decided to go with Sam as well as Joanne and Silvio Costa with their kids, Davide and Sara. Sam packed up sandwiches and a snack and after breakfast headed to the train station to meet up with the gang. Unfortunately for me, this is also flu season. I have been stuck home with a temperature, sore throat, stuffy head since Friday night! I was unable to join in on the fun! At least this is not the bird flu and there will always be a another chance to walk the Cinque Terre.

When the troops returned to Chiavari I invited them over for coffee and homemade chocolate cake. Everyone was so fired up from the walk they talked about hiking again next week. And if this weather holds out, why not? What is the saying? Make hay while the sun shines. Who knows how long the mild weather will hold out. It can start raining here and not stop for weeks!

Click on over to my homepage and you can take a look at the photos.

No one wanted to tell me yesterday that my girls ended their walk with a dip in the sea, but they did. The photos speak for themselves. While the kids played in the sea, the grown ups bathed in the sun. The tans on their faces were proof enough! Poor Anna is now home sick with the flu too. Argh! Who let her in the sea?

What did I do yesterday? I enjoyed the peace and quiet of my home and read a book. I also baked a delicious mocha cake. I nursed my cold and drank lots of tea while wishing I could be out walking with my family. It is not so bad to home sick when the weather is lousy, but when the the sun is shining it is torture to be indoors.

The book I am reading is very good. The title is "Don't Wake Me At Doyles", by Maura Murphy. It is another autobiography telling the story of the hard life of the poor Irish, but this time told from a women's point of view. A feminine "Angela's Ashes" if you will. I highly recommend it if you like this genre of literature. It can be a bit depressing reading about the hard knock life of the dirt poor, but at the same time amazing how people pull themselves out of it. You realize how much in life we take for granted, for instance, just having food on the table and roof over your head.



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