I skype. Sam skypes. Even my 80 year old Daddy skypes. Do you skype?
I love skype. How did I live without skype? You ask what is skype?
It is a telephony service that allows you to talk for free through your computer's internet connection. You also can instant message and share files with other on line skype users and all for free. If you have Windows, you even have the option for free video calling!!! (Sorry, but we mac users don't have that yet.) Best feature of all, it is compatible with Mac and Windows! If you are on line you can instant message or call your friends regardless of which computer they choose to use!
In addition to the telephony service you can set up an account and use your computer for all your telecommunications needs, but that is not for free, but the cost is very competitively priced. How do you get on board the skype train, you ask? Just click on the icon above, download the relevant software for your computer and follow the simple instructions to set up your new account. Once there, look for me and send me your contact. You will be skyping in no time at all.
Top tip, even if your computer has a built in microphone you might want to invest in a headset. Less feedback and better sound quality.
Be forewarned, skpye can be a distraction and an addiction!
a presto!
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