Monday, February 06, 2006

A glass of wine a day....

Me and a fine Barolo
Originally uploaded by Krista 1366.
Seems to keep the years away. At least according to a new Italian study!
Red wine a fountain of youth

Red wine can make you live longer and feel better while you're at it, a new Italian study indicates .

A chemical in the wine slows aging and wards off two things the elderly often gripe about, feeling weaker and slower on the uptake, the scientists said .

What perfect timing! My birthday is just one week away and my sommelier course starts on the 14th! So drink to your health and as you raise that glass of vino rosso, just think of the years your are adding to your life!

Countdown to the big 40.... 7 days!




Enrico Maria Porro said...

Hi Krista, nice to meet you on your blog. I'm an italian blogger from Milan.

Krista said...

Hi! Nice of you to stop by.