Friday, March 03, 2006

Where is the Green Party When You Need Them?

Magnoglias in the Snow!
Originally uploaded by Krista 1366.
Who would ever have thought they would hear those words coming out of my mouth?

Yes, I am screaming for the Greens to come to Chiavari and save those beautiful magnolia trees in this photo! For those of you who live in Chiavari, you already know, the street where I live has famously been called "La Via Delle Palme" One important point. Our street is no longer lined in palms. It is lined with magnolias. Big, Beautiful, and full of flowers when they bloom. When and why the palms were replaced by the magnolias, I do no know.

Why am I calling for the environmentalists? Seems the city of Chiavari's current administration want to replace (meaning cut down) the magnolias with palm trees and turn our beautiful boulevard back to the Via delle Palme!!! This, in my humble opinion, is ludicrous. Why would anyone want to take down perfectly healthy mature trees and put instead palms that will take years to grow and mature, if they grow at all. To top it off, this folly, for lets face it, it is one, will cost the city an additional ?180,000! For what? Vanity. Trees cannot just be changed like flower beds! I can think of 100's of other better uses for that money, and if it had to be spent on my street, how about paying someone to police the people who walk their dogs and do not clean up after them? Seems an easier way to "beautify" the city! Anyone who has walked down my street on a hot day would agree.

Where does this leave me and my anger over this stupidness? This morning my neighbor was on our sidewalk outside our building soliciting for signatures for her petition against replacing the magnolias. Of course I signed it and took a petition of my own to pass around for signatures! Watch out! I am angry and I am asking every one I know in Chiavari to sign my petition.

Funny, it has taken a "green" ideal to motivate me to do something political in Italy! So, if you are one of my Italian friends reading this, please sign the petition!

A presto!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are too funny! Calling on the ugh left when you want it your way!!! There may be a good reason to get rid of the magnolias. Probably the palms are historically accurate. I'm sure the magnolias aren't. So "southern" and messy. Palm trees are less messy and take less work. I'll agree they aren't as pretty!