Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ho Passato

Woo Woo!

Sam and I - BOTH - passed our road test today! After 8 years of quasi legal driving in Italy, we are now proud holders of an Italian "Patente di Guida"

This afternoon we waited for what seemed eternity, under the HOT spring Riviera sun, no water, and more importantly for me, no toilets, for our turn at the wheel. Out of the 6 who took the test, only one failed - Thank god it wasn't one of us. 

After 26 years of what I think have been full of safe driving, meaning, no accidents and only one very debatable speeding ticket, I have the reaffirmation from the Republic of Italy and their very reputable servant that I am qualified to drive. So there!

I suppose all that money Sam and I PAID in CASH, close to 1,000 euro - $$$ - more or less $1,500 - to the school to have the privilege to sit through the most boring classes with the most uninspiring teachers, to learn what we already knew, how to drive -  to then try to take the theory test TWICE and then to be subjected to the stress of driving in Chiavari at 5:00 o'clock in the  afternoon to prove we were worthy...

What can I say other than...

Grazie Dio it is all over!



Susan65 said...

Yippee....clear the roads...they are coming through!

Anonymous said...

A very expensive license! Good to see you both "made" it!

Krista said...


Imagine if one had to pay those fees in New York where I have my license in the States....

Just a quick look at the NY State DMV site and adding up the costs.

$75 - Learner's Permit 5 years valid which upon passing the written exam and road test becomes your license to drive. No extra fee. No appointment needed to take the written test and you can take it as many times as you need anytime you like as long as you show 30 minutes before the office closes. Recommends taking classes, not necessary if you are over 18. DMV manual - FREE.

$40 - Road Test for which you can use any car in good working condition, insured, inspected and properly registered as long as your are driven to the test by a licensed driver over 21. Piece of cake. Even your big brother or sister can take you to the test and give you lessons.

Compared to Italy.

The foglio rosa, 160 euros, the learner's permit in Italy is valid for only 6 months with 3 shots at the test with a scheduled appointment - and - if should you fail the first time... you must wait 1 month and 1 day to take it again - with an appointment. The road test cost 80 euro plus more taxes and stuff... for a complete fee of 137 euro throw in the the 60 euro to take the written exam and the 50 for the "Medical Exam", which I had to take at the school because on certain "qualified" doctors can perform the exam which consisted of me flirting with the nice doctor telling him I was healthy and reading an eye chart a blind person could. 27 x 4 hours for a sum of 108 euro to "learn" how to drive a car.

You can practice to drive only with a proper registered car etc... like NYS But, the passenger teaching you must be over 25 and of course have had a valid license for at least 5 years.

Grand total....

537 euro. In dollars, just to make it fun, $837.00!

Add the driving school fee in at around 200 euro.

Bottom line, you can't navigate the system without the "scuola quida" Not even if you are Italian.

Isn't socialism wonderful?
