Would you believe...
That tomorrow...
At 3 pm or 1500 hours... Sam and I...
Will be taking our....
Driving Test!!!!!!!!! Clear the roads - Make way - Here we come!
After 8, yes, count them, 8 years, we are finally taking the final part of our driving exam. If all goes well, we will have our own version of what you see above with a flash photo.
All hail to the Neopatente!
Say a prayer for us.
Love the pink...do they have blue for the men? :)
Good Luck
On my way out the door to take the test...
There is a light rain, don't know if that is good or bad. At least there will be less people out trying to cross the street.
So, how did you do?
OOPS...should always check one's spelling before sending!
That's Patsy not paysy!
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