"Better on the road than in the broth"
Synchronicity... is the experience of two or more events are causally unrelated occurring together in a supposedly meaningful manner. These events should be unlikely to occur together by chance...
Work with me people, I am going somewhere with this thought.
A week or so ago Anna, hysterically laughing, comes into the home office with a new notebook. On the cover was a chicken wearing sneakers walking on the road with a English / Italian joke. See above. The notebook remains unused. Anna, didn't need it, she just had to have it and couldn't leave it for some kid to buy who wouldn't understand the joke. I scanned the notebook and thought, this would make a great image for a post one day....
Today, I am sitting down drinking my morning cappuccino on the passagiata with Sam, Silvia and Ian. I snap open the local paper and read this headline:
Rapallo, gallina e pulcini sulla A12
Chioccia travolta, salvati i piccoli
(Rapallo, hen and her chicks on the A12, hen run over - chicks saved! Nothing to do with J. Travolta!)
Vigili del fuoco e polizia stradale mobilitati questo pomeriggio sull’A12 per recuperare una gallina ed i suoi pulcini che si erano avventurati sull’autostrada. Il singolare episodio è avvenuta tra Rapallo e Chiavari, in direzione Levante. La gallina, purtroppo, non è riuscita a sfuggire alle auto che sfrecciavano sull’autostrada ed è stata investita. Miglior sorte per i pulcini che si sono rifugiati vicino ad un tombino ai lati della strada e sono stati recuperati dai vigili del fuoco.
Translation... The autostrade was shut down because a hen was on the road with her baby chicks. Unforturnatey, the hen became road kill.... but the firemen were able to save the chicks because they were in a storm drain.
After my delicious coffee and brioche, I came home and logged onto to facebook. There on my newsfeed was my friend Susan, who lives in Annapolis, MD - see link to her blog "Whelan Kids" in the side bar, announcing that she had just delivered 7 baby ducks whose mom bit the dust on the I -95 to a wildlife sanctuary!
Hi Krista, Amazing!! When things like that happen to me I always loved to wonder why and add fuel to the situation!
My husband on the other hand tends to think all things happen for a cause, he is the type of guy that will tell you glass is always half empty - he is was to practical and scientific! And dam boring at times!! *GIGGLE*
That's pretty trippy!
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