A Thousand and one stories...
With roles on that ranged from a wise Signora, a Principe from Denmark and la Signorina Natalia Vladimrovna a star was born last night... Anna's career as a budding actress is on its way.
Keeping with tradition, the last night's annual production began in the unsual chaotic way and very late. Most of the parents wouldn't stay seated or civil, and one unruly child stamped his feet on the floorboards as he and walked up and down between the aisles creating a sound similar to a stampede of elephants distracting Anna and her friends on stage during one serious act. The girls didn't miss a beat. The only professionals in the theater - were the young adults on the stage. Maybe the parents need a workshop on audience participation....
Through all the commotion, the show went on, and, I know I am her mom, but, Anna was brilliant. Unbelievable to see our shy little girl grow up to be a serious young actress. Anna tells us all the time, it all so much fun to pretend to be someone else. And, really, isn't it? Anna is already looking forward to next year's production and scoring a promised starring role. She even has a first fan. Some little boy ran up and give her a hug as she walking out of the theater.... Thankfully, Sam didn't see it.
Next stop... the great white way!
Poor hen....but at least the Italian firemen cared more than the MD State Police. My nephew said that the police officer told him to just put the babies in the woods. They would not have lasted an hour.
My goodness... that is the 1st picture of Anna that I have seen that shows her height, even while sitting down. That lovely, long torso; oh what fun it would have been to be a tall, slender girl. She probably has no idea how fortunate she is.
I remember in San Diego when she would barely look at me and how it was a huge accomplishment for her to climb in my lap while I read her a story. Now she acts.
But did you know that most actors would consider themselves shy? Maybe she is the next Meg Ryan.
Who knows where Anna is going with this acting bug, but it is sure fun to see your kid up on stage.
You know, Anna's looks may come from my my side of the gene pool, but, her legs are from Sam's. Sarah my look exactly like Sam, but she has my legs! It is amazing to watch them walk down the street, Anna towers over Sarah! Seems like yesterday Anna was half the size of Sarah...
As for the chicks, I am just happy that I wasn't stuck in the traffic while the firemen scooped them up!
Sarah may look... sheesh, I really should proofread!
I like her (Anna's) hair! You and Sam are doing a great job with and for them. Happy to hear Anna loves to act.
Thank you Patsy! All we can do at this point is have faith they know right from wrong and hope for the best. The hardest part is done, the rest is now up to them.
But the way, I think you would love Anna, she is feisty and has a personality like my dad.... You should see them cook together, both with a kitchen towel over the shoulder and a hand on the hip... it is eerie.
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