And here she is again....
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Sarah the Violinist!
Proud mama.... I am so bad I know. But - look at my baby playing the violin!
This was Sarah's performance with the Chamber Music section of Usdan. Can you believe what these kids can do? None of them older than 15. Sarah was the youngest at 13.
More video to come....
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Sarah the TV Star!
I have to break the long spell of non blogging... And what better way than posting my beautiful daughter on TV!
Sarah, Anna and myself have been in NY since June and the kids have been attending Usdan Center for the Creative and Performing Arts located not far from dear old Dad's click here. Sarah has been playing her violin in the Orchestra for her age group and Anna banging on the drums in the orchestra in her age group!
This is the second year Sarah has attended Usdan and Anna's first time. Tomorrow is the last day and both girls are already begging to sign up for next year!
Monday - we are going to the MTV studios in NYC to see TRL taped - guest - Alicia Keyes! How cool is that?
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Easter Sunset
Buona Pasqua!

A quick Happy Easter to one and all!
Dinner has been cooked and eaten, the dishes are washed and put away - thank you Sam and Richard - and now I am enjoying a restful moment blogging.
We are having a wonderful time catching up with our old friends Susan and Richard as well as their lovely children! We all met many years ago when I was working at Banana Republic at the city dock in Annapolis, Maryland all the way back in 1991! Susan came strolling in one day around Christmas time looking for a job after after a few years at sea on the Pride of Baltimore with her then boyfriend and now husband Richard - and I said - hire that girl! We have been friends ever since.
We got married within weeks of each other and then somehow managed to get pregnant and have our babies almost at the same time! I have been begging Susan to get her family over here to visit and now finally she has. You know, she is the one friend I have that has no excuse not to visit - She works for UNITED AIRLINES! She flies for next to nothing!
We had a lovely dinner at Pam Pam last night, church this morning and a full feast of loin of pork for our Easter Lunch.
Think it is time to head out for our "post dinner passagiata" along the seaside.
Here is hoping the Easter Bunny has been good to all of you!
One last thing. Spoke to dear old Dad a few minutes ago and - He bought a new CAR! That is right. My 82 year old dad is buying a new car! A flash Mazda 6, black with black leather interior! How is that for optimism? Tomorrow is his birthday and I think he just rocks! Safe driving dad and do get those vanity plates.... lsthura - Last Hurrah! Enjoy life while you can.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Who's the Boss?
Gucci is!
We are enjoying a positively summer like Easter weekend. Trees are in bloom and so are all of our allergies! Stuffy noses rule in this house.
Susan and her family are here visiting from Maryland. They arrived yesterday evening on the train after 2 action packed days in Rome. Kids are now out on the seaside eating ice cream, Sam is riding his bike, Susan just woke up from her nap and I am waiting for my carrot cake to finish baking. Then we are all heading out for our evening passagiata and apperitivo! Pizza at Pam Pam for dinner and Easter roast tomorrow!
Pictures to follow real soon.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
What's Wrong With This Picture?

This is what the girls were up to this morning. Can you spot what is wrong? It is easy - Anna is playing Sarah's violin and Sarah is playing Anna's cello!!!!
To all those that ask me why I choose to live in Italy - Here is the answer to your question. MUSIC! Where in the world would these kids have the opportunities they have here?
1. Sarah goes to a state supported, and funded, music conservatory. Cost to us. 200 euro a year plus books. For a reference, Juliard in NYC would set us back over $10,000 a year. Sarah studies violin with a master as well as piano and solfeggio. Solfeggio is basically a very advanced sight reading skill based on singing. Sarah loves the class, it keeps her in touch with her inner diva.
2. Anna has been studying piano and drums. She wanted to try the cello and within a week or so I found her a teacher and cello. Why? The cell teacher plays in the orchestra along with Sarah's previous violin teacher.
I could go on....
At the moment Sarah is in the local music store searching for the second day in a row through their old sheets of music. She just phoned and can't wait to tell me what she found. Yesterday, she brought home, arias from operas, concertos and a complete work of Ave Maria with all the pieces for violin, viola, cello, harp, piano and voice! I wish I could express in words the enthusiasm she had when she was showing me her treasures. Priceless.
So to all of you who ask me why we stay here in this chaotic country, where I cannot speak the language and struggle sometimes with the simplest tasks of everyday life - like sorting out a broken phone under warranty - To you I say, I do it for the girls. How could I ever walk away from these opportunities?
Just one more thing,
Tomorrow night Sarah and I are going to the Carlo Felice Opera House for an Easter Concert. There will be a Finnish conductor Pieteri Inkinen and Sarah and Anna's music teachers in the orchestra!
Happy Easter!
Friday, March 16, 2007
FAWCO and Lyon

Well I have been a bit remiss in my blogging once again.... Let me catch you up.
Besides that is have been positively Spring like in Liguria - today it was 20+ Celsius or for those of you who use Fahrenheit, 68 degrees! Now, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon the fog is beginning to roll in off the sea and covering up Chiavari! As I look out my window I can see the fog covering the magnolias and the sea is no longer visible. Trust me, this is not usual weather for us. All the fruit trees have blossomed and many have already dropped their blooms and are ready to bear fruit. The flowers are blooming and so are our allergies! Man it feels like spring. Let's just hope that we don't have a freeze in the next few weeks. A cold snap will certainly spell disaster for this years crops!
So other than this wonderful weather we have been enjoying what has kept me so busy? The AIWC of Genoa has. Last week I was in Lyon helping to represent my club at the annual FAWCO (Federation of American Women's Clubs Overseas) - you can click on the link on the side bar to read more about the organization. I had 5 fun filled days in Lyon and I never got to to see the city. I was stuck in General Meetings, Panels, workshops etc and ate lousy banquet food. At one point as I looked around at my fellow conference attendees I got the feeling I was at some Shriner's or Rotary Convention. That may have been the case but last week, I learned many new useful things - like how to stay on heels for 16 hours in one day - and made some new friends. Overall, I had a great time an hopefully I will see all my new FAWCO friends at next year's conference in Seoul, Korea.
By the way, that photo of me was taken at the Hotel de Ville in Lyon- City Hall - to you and me. The conference closed its last evening with a special treat. A Gala Dinner at the most prestigious building in the city. That is Carol and I standing next to the flags. Carol who is 79 years young and I drove all the way to Lyon in my mini complete with the Union Jack on the roof! I think she had the ride of her life!
A presto!
Anna Banana Plays.... THE CELLO!
That is right folks, Anna has started playing the cello and she seems to love it. I don't even have to ask her to practice but, she has to ask me to help her with the cello because the darn thing is as big as she is!
At the moment the metronome is beating, the bow is being pulled across the strings and Sarah is helping Anna with her technique! Anna is actually letting Sarah gladly tell her what to do! It must have snowed in the Sahara today! This has never happened before. Best thing to do is leave the girls to it and let them get on.
Where on earth do these kids come from? The daughters of parents that are not musicians, loved punk and sleep during opera. If this is rebellion, well I will gladly accept it.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Né "Desperate", Né "Housewives"
As you all might have heard, I am currently President of the AIWC of Genoa.... This year the club is celebrating its 50th year of existence! Actually, it has been around at longer than that... but, anyway...
Here I am helping to cut the cake and posing with my fellow club members last Thursday in Genoa at the Villa Spinola. The Luncheon held in honor of the Golden Annivesary of the AIWC of Genoa was very elegant and spirits in the crowd were high. I have never been kissed and wanted by so many, well, since my wedding reception so many years ago! I was telling Sam later that evening, that is what the day felt like - our wedding - and just like that day, I was completely and utterly exhausted when it was all over.
I had planned the lunch for many weeks with Carol Bordoni, the lady helping me cut the cake, and tried to take care of every last detail, but when the party started, the event took on a life of its own. And what a wonderful life it had! By the way, even the local press came to the Luncheon. "La Republica" and "Il Seccolo" both sent reporters to see what the American International Women's Club of Genoa was all about. I was for the first time interviewed in Italian. Very nerve racking indeed! The next day the lady from "La Republica" titled her article, "Né Desperate", Né "Housewives", "Neither Desperate Nor Housewives". Not bad. They went on to say many lovely things about us in a tongue and cheek way and even went on to say I had a pretty face, wore minimal chic, and spoke with Italian with a heavy American accent! What can I say other than I am so proud of our little club! And, you know, it is sort of nice to see your name in the newspaper.
A presto!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
And this is what my talented, bright, strangely deep dark muscian/artist daughter wrote for me yesterday on my birthday.
Thank you Sarah! You know your mommy loves you.
By Sarah Crockford
I keep on biting my tongue
till it bleeds
so I don’t say anything
that bothers you and me
but I know that
if I wasn’t so careful
I’d say so many things…
I always hear my heart beat
from it’s little cage
all can do is pretend I have a heartache
but it’s not true…
There’s a little dove inside me
ready to fly
but it can’t cause it’s trapped
by rules
and I don’t know why.
If I could run
across the ocean,
I know I would,
if I could fly to the sky
then I’d know I’m free,
but keep this between you and me.
There’s another person inside me
who’s ready to burst out
it’s like bird who wants fly
but can’t cause he has no wings,
expect I have a will
and I have way,
but it’s another thing
that keeps me back
till today.
I want to run
till I’m free,
and I want to fly
cause I know I can…
And I want to be myself
just for one day
and I want to know the world
like I never known it before!
I want to be loved for who I am and not hated for being myself…
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
My Babies Love Me!

Look at the effort they made for me this evening....
They went out, bought me a cake and distracted me with a "computer problem" to set it up. Aren't they the greatest?
Today has been quiet. Didn't get to work out. Gym was closed so I had a lovely coffee with Silvia Lewis. I shopped and strolled through Chiavari enjoying the springlike sunshine that we had today.
Though, it is apperitivo time now and well... I have no one to share a glass of bubbly with. So I will share this photo of my darling children instead.
A presto!
20 Years Ago...

This is what I looked like....
Scary huh? 21 years young.
My friend Susan posted a photo of herself on her blog (link is on the sidebar "The Whelan's Blog") from 1984. If she can humiliate herself so can I. Hey it is my birthday. I can't go back as far as Susan did, thank god. I don't have those photos here in Italy, they are still safely hidden in my dad's house in NY. This one came into my possession last summer when I caught up with my friend Maxx. We used to work together at WLIR on Long Island. He was a Disc Jockey and I was the Music Librarian for the Program Director, Denis Macnamara. I got that "promotion" after working for free for a year answering the "Airline" - the radio station's request line. Very cool jobs indeed. Free tickets to concerts, on the guest list for all shows at the Ritz, all the free records I could lay my hands on and the privilege to shake hands with the musical artists from the 80's including, The Pet Shop Boys, A Flock of Seagulls, Bananarama, Lloyd Cole, Mick Jones from the Clash, The English Beat, The Farris Bros. from INXS, Billy Bragg and last but certainly not least, Joey Ramone from the World Famous Ramones, may he rest in peace.
One last thing, I will even admit to being on the Howard Stern show back then in the 80's. I was a huge fan and I was invited by a friend to be live on air for Howard's Christmas show in 1985. Back then he had just moved to WXRK from WNBC after he was fired for doing something obscene. What else, right? It was a blast and I never had so much fun. I have to say, on mike, Howard was a dog, just like you would think he would be, off mike, he was a perfect gentleman. Go figure. I shared the booth with Joey Ramone and some lesbian Howard always had on back then. It was an experience that I will never forget. There is a tape somewhere of that show and if you bribe Sam enough.... he might let you listen to it.
Moving on....
Six months after this photo was taken - I met my Sam. Can you see that black hair? What was I ever thinking? What on earth did Sam think? Ahh... the 80's gone but not forgotten.
Its My Birthday... Its My Birthday!
And I am a year older, wiser, thinner (yeah), and happier! What more could a girl ask for? I have my health, my family, and all the things I wanted to be or do when I grew up - well apart from being a fairy princess -- I achieved. I have traveled - I have loved - I am a wife - and I am a mom. Career, I gave it a try and still do "work" these days but, I like being a mom and wife much more. There is that pride in watching someone grow into something beautiful that gives me a feeling of satisfaction and contentment l have always wanted -- Where would I be without my man and girls? Lost.
Speaking of which. This day is turning into the perfect birthday. I am sitting here, all alone, sipping my tea, kids are in school, Sam is in Milan working, Franca (my housekeeper) is on her way and I, well I am relishing this moment. The sun is shining in Chiavari and I am off for my workout in an hour. Perfect day in every way.
Ah, pressies you wonder? What did my beloved give me for my birthday? Other than peace of mind and home, he took us all to Switzerland for the weekend. We left Thursday night for Davos and a little skiing with our friends Peter and Pippa who were there with family and friends. We had two glorious days of sunshine and great skiing, Sunday was spent nursing hangovers and keeping warm in the bars on Jacobshorn - perfect. Believe it or not, even with all the gloom and doom about global warming, there was snow on top of the mountains and you could ski. Thank you Sam for a great weekend with friends and family. All was perfect in every way!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Happy Birthday To My Sam....

And did we throw a party to celebrate! In the true spirit of Carnival. We had a 60's theme revival birthday party last night. I invited all our friends to join us in their best interpretation of the era.
We had, 7 hippies, 4 mods (including Sam and I), one goth (Silvia Lewis) and one lone Italian communist/anarchist agitator.... don't worry, I did let Silvio in the door, though not after I saluted Marx, Lenin, and Che!
We drank Spumante, Martinis and ate way too much junk and cake. As the the evening gave way to the wee hours of the morning we found ourselves singing "Delilah" on the top of our lungs with Ian and Sam leading us on with their kickline salute! God only knows what our neighbors thought we did notice when we stepped out on the terrace to catch a breath of fresh air that passers by on the street looking up and pointing! We danced our grooviest and Jan ended the evening serenading us and leading the chorus with Anna's guitar. A perfect end to a perfect evening in honor of my grand old man!
Happy Birthday Darling. Remember, 40 isn't so bad.... You will always be my Rock Star no matter how old you are.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
What A Difference A Day Makes....

Keeping up with the "too busy to blog" theme, it is Thursday morning and I finally have a moment to sit down at my computer for pleasure not work. Sheesh, this working mom stuff certainly takes away from your free time.
So this morning, I wake up, look out the kitchen window and what do I see! SNOW, ok, on the mountains behind me, but, only a few days ago the weather was MILD, almost, dare I say, spring like. Sam and I were out walking on Sunday, we walked from Rapallo to Chiavari and along the trail, the primroses were blooming and down in the valley below us, you could see the yellow blooms of the Mimosa trees that usually open in March. Freaky actually. Well yesterday Mother Nature finally decided to change the path she was on and slammed Europe with a blast of frigid air and bit of snow too. In fact, London got snow yesterday as well the Swiss Alpine ski areas. Finalmente. Maybe I can plan weekend of skiing. So far, there has been so little snow that though the ski resorts are open, most trails are closed.
When this storm arrived yesterday, it hit hard. Sam and I walked down to the cube bar on the passagiata, faithful readers, that means you dad, know this place a the one with the great view of the sea with seats and tables you cannot use till lunchtime, and we had a coffee. Was I ready for the blast of cold air? Duh, I had on a cotton shirt with a raincoat, sure I stayed dry but goodness was it cold. Before yesterday, I haven't any use for my wool or cashmere, even in New York. Guess what I will be wearing today. So we walk into the bar and it was packed! Why, people came in for coffee but stayed for the view. The sky was black, seas were HUGE and the waves were crashing over the sea wall. When Sam and I left we took this photo with my phone, Isn't technology great! The weather was horrible all day, when I went to pick up the kids from school at 1, the skies opened up and hail rained down on us. I saw cars driving around that had snow on the hoods! Incredible.
Between the day I spent in Pisa Tuesday, see the photo, gray skies with just a hint of the change in the weather, and yesterday, Winter has arrived. Yes, I was in Pisa this week, not for the Leaning Tower but a bit of shopping. Sam had a meeting and well I tagged along....
Enough about the weather. Here is the update.
Tuesday the girls had a little recital at school. The English Teacher, the one who is really English, not Italian, who does not really teach but supplement one hour a week, don't get me started, that topic is a whole other post, as part of her lesson plan, which by the way ended on Tuesday, the kids won't see her anymore, had each class stage a play. Ok. Anna's class put on "Alice in Wonderland", Anna was Alice, Sarah's class did "The Taming of the Shrew", Sarah was the shrew. Can I say, the kids were wonderful. All really put in a great effort and all of us parents were very surprised at how well some of those cute little kids, can speak english. Ok, some accents were stronger than others, but overall, they all should be very proud of themselves. Would it be naughty of me to mention, Anna got the biggest round of applause? What did she say about it? She complained no one could hear her last line, which was to introduce and thank her classmate who narrated. Only Anna.
Update on turtles who now officially have been named, Splash and Splaffy. Very original, no? After some comparison shopping yesterday, Sam and I discovered that a proper tank humane enough to hold these little creature would set us back 100 euro. So, of course, Sam did not want to shell out that money and was about to lose his temper a second time over these terrapins I said, look these kids are swimming is Christmas money, they wanted the turtles, they promised to take care of them, let them pay for it. We proposed this during lunch and without hesitation, Sarah and Anna happily agreed. I took Anna to the store with her money and let her go wild. Came home, and Sam and the girls set up the tank, washed the rocks and filled the new aquarium with water. This evening Splash and Splaffy with be swimming in their new digs set up behind the couch in the living room, as Anna said, they need something pretty to look at, where else could we put them but the best spot in the house! Augh! At least there is a cover on the tank to keep Gucci away. Yesterday she was pretty interested in playing with our recent editions to our family.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Turtle Mania

Yesterday we became the parents of two small, fragile, and I must say, very ugly, aquatic turtles. How did that happen? I was cornered by Anna and conned by Sarah. And well, here is the story.
This weekend was the annual HUGE street market that invades Chiavari the third week of January. I loathe it, but, hey most people love it and thousands flock to it every year. Me, when the masses move one way, I go the other. I do not do crowds. The girls had plans to cruise the market with their friends, thank you, I dodged that bullet. Sam and I went for a hike in the mountains. We took the train to Rapallo and hoofed it in the mud and low clouds hanging over us, it was very beautiful actually.
Somewhere between Chiavari and Zoagli Anna phones and will only talk to me. What did she want? Permission to buy a 8 euro small aquatic turtle that is what. First reaction - NO WAY! But, with very persuasive pleading promising to love and care for it. I was cornered into saying yes. Saying no to Anna, well, you try it. I know shame on me. My friend Susan will be all over me on this. But, thank goodness I said yes. Why? Sarah came home with a present for Anna only minutes after Anna presented her treasured turtle Splaffy to Sam and I. What was it? Ah you know.... A turtle! Yup, Sarah didn't even bother to ask permission, she just came home with it and said it was for Anna. Sly huh? Now we have two turtles swimming in the tank and whole lot a smelly food to feed them. Me, I have to out and buy a new proper tank with a heater, filter, light, and maybe some plants to keep the turtles I didn't even want happy and alive.
Porca Miseria! This teaches me to let my kids go to the market without me. Next year, I will chaperone the kiddies and no more small creatures.
A presto!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Last Days in New York

Our final days in New York were spent enjoying the unseasonably warm weather.... 70+ degrees on January 6th! What did we do? Go to the Hamptons and took a stroll on the beach.... And, of course had a Starbucks coffee. I mean, how could you not?
We capped off our holiday with a visit to the Metropolitan Opera House to see "Die Zauberflote" or in English "The Magic Flute", by Mozart. The staging was magical, the singing simply divine, costumes by Julie Taymor - think "The Lion King", and best part, the kids truly enjoyed the show.
What a perfect end to a perfect vacation.
Thanks Dad for putting us up and putting up with us.... See you again in the summer!
Christmas in New York

Ahh Christmas in Levittown. The table, the tree, and the winner of "The Most Lights on one House" contest in Levittown. The lawn decoration everyone seems to have to have this year, the blow up Santas, snow globes, snowmen, etc.... Tacky, tacky....
And here are the men in my life. They say you do marry the man who is most like your father.... hmm... I think there might be something to that theory. Check out the fly catching skills, like father, like son-in-law. Porca Miseria!

Annna Banana turned 11!

We celebrated Anna's 11th birthday, a day early, at her favorite place to eat in New York, Portofino. Yup that is right. You can eat at Portofino in Levittown and Anna just loves the lasagna.
Anna ate cake and opened pressies with her family including her Uncle Jack and cousin Julia. If you ask Anna, her favorite present was her new Nintendo DS lite. She hasn't put it down much since she opened it.
The next day, which was her actual birthday, we left for the Bahamas. Early wake up and quicker than expected arrival to Laguadia airport, which Sarah so correctly pointed out is an Italian name so I had to tell what little I remembered about Fiorello Laguadia the late former Governor of New York (See, in my life, Italians are everywhere), we were sitting in the terminal sipping coffee and eating Dunkin Dounuts. Earliest any of us especially Sam, has been to the airport to catch a plane. After boarding, a couple hours later, we were in Nassau ready to hop on Peter's plane and be whisked to his island. I know, I am a lucky woman.
As you can see by the photo, Anna's special treat on her birthday was to sit in the cockpit of Peter's plane for the entire 30 minute flight to the Exumas!
Welcome Me Back!

Here I am. Back from a way too long hiatus from you all. I know. I am lazy. But, life has been, since my last post, going a mile a minute. Who has time to sit and blog? No excuse, but the truth. So. Now. After a long sojourn in New York for Christmas with a quick hop down to the Bahamas to ring in the New Year's with dear friends.... I have been shamed into posting once again. So many friends have clicked over and to read what I have been up to and, well, you know, nothing.
What have we been up to all these months? Where do I begin?
1. Sarah got into the conservatory and I have become a taxi driver. Three times a week I drive her to Genoa and wait. Can't wait untill she can take the train.
2. Sam's business has taken off and he has hit the road again. London, Monaco, Brazil, Bahamas.... the lad is on the go. And, get this, Sam actually thinks I work for HIM! Sheesh.
3. Anna, always on the go. Swimming, Piano, Drums, and her social calendar to keep up with. So many friends, so little time.
4. Let's not forget, the ladies of the American International Women's Club of Genoa. Remember, I am their leader! Man do they keep me on my toes.
Have I got a minute to sit at the laptop and bang out a post? I am lucky to read the Drudge Report. Aw come on, you know you click over to read it, someone has to with over 14 million hits a day
So, here I go with a few quick posts to bring you all up to date on Our Italian Adventure.
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