Sunday, March 20, 2005

Rome in Bloom

Originally uploaded by Krista 1366.
Sam, Anna, and yours truly, spent a glorious weekend in Rome. We had wonderful warm weather and bright sunshine. Saturday afternoon after having seen all that there is to see in a day in Rome we had the opportunity to experience a live anti-war protest up close and personal. Most of you, who know me near and dear and have insight to my political views, might appreciate the irony in this image. It was taken by Sam while Anna and I were sitting enjoying a gelato. Sam took many photos of the youth demontration in Rome, but this image summed up the carnival atmosphere of the day. Talk about an educational experience! How do you explain this image to an inquisitive 9 year old? Anna was less than impressed, all she wanted know was.....Where do they all go to the toilet?......Hmm....What would you have said?


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