Sunday, March 01, 2009

Weekend update...

Spring has been tempting us the last few weeks with crisp cool weather and clear sunny skies. This morning, sitting here, awake way to early on a Sunday morning, the sky is grey and the rain is falling - a perfect day to have a Sunday roast dinner. Soon the beautiful aristo di maile affumicato/smoked roast pork loin I picked up yesterday at Fratelli Centanaro located in Genoa will be in the oven. When the girls wake up the house will be filled with the smells of roasting meat and baking apples. Silvia and Ian will arrive about 1 with Matteo and Chiara in tow. Matteo will play the piano, Ian will pick up Sam's electric bass and Sam or Anna will play the drums. The house will full of good food, good friends and music. Heaven.

As usual, this has been another hectic week in the long drama known as my life. Who knew my supporting role as wife, mother and keeper of the hearth would demand as much time as it does. How do these career moms manage it all? 

The above photos of Portofino were taken Wednesday. Joanne, Nicole and the latest arrival to Chiavari, Anneleise started a walking "club" and invited me to join. Luckily, they chose Wednesdays to trek into the hills for that is my only day free of obligations. The rest of the week I am in Genoa ferrying Sarah her violin and driving either she or Anna from point A to B. 

Somehow, my friends think I am some sort of walking guru. They leave it up to me to choose the sentiere/trail for our walks. I am not so sure that is such a good idea, last week I took them on my favorite and most frequent trek from Santa Margherita to Portofino. Well, I took a wrong turn, what else is new, and we ended up in Paraggi. 

I put the link to the blog Joanne started in the sidebar. Click over and follow our walking adventures. Nicole and Anneliese post in Dutch... Joanne and I in English. Photos speak for themselves.

Off to wake up Sam and start cooking....I took my beautiful roast our of the fridge earlier, I can smell the aroma of smoke on my hands - time to put that baby in the oven!



1 comment:

Susan65 said...

Oh my God. That walk to the light house almost killed me :)