Monday, February 16, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree... Oh Christmas Tree...

In February! Decorations are down but the lights are still on! 

My careful plan to never have a "live" tree for Christmas ever again was put to rest by a begging husband and two teenage girls with puppy dog eyes. My arguments that Christmas trees were "not green" and "cruelty to live plants" as well as a German Christmas Tradition - not an Italian one fell on deaf ears. The three of them ganged up on me and triumphed.  In the days leading up to Christmas we bought a small "Christmas Bush" and I crossed my fingers that the little guy would not, like all of our trees have done, shed all its needles by Boxing Day. Well. The darn thing not only didn't lose its needles - it started to sprout fresh ones! Now what do we do with it? If I put it out on the terrace I think it might be shocked from the cold and how long can it hold up in our warm full of sunshine apartment? 


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